Hans Rosling on HIV: New facts and stunning data visuals

Hans Rosling unveils new data visuals that untangle the complex risk factors of one of the world’s deadliest (and most misunderstood) diseases: HIV. He argues that preventing transmissions — not drug treatments — is the key to ending the epidemic. As a doctor and researcher, Hans Rosling identified a new paralytic disease induced by hunger…

Is Exponential Growth A Possibility?

Look around you for a clue to the secret of growth, and you’ll find one S-shaped curve after another. Be it growth of population of people (as is proposed by Thomas R. Malthus) or bacteria, nature is full of Sigmoid curves. Web 2.0 sites or communities also grow in an S-shaped curve. If this is…

A series of S-shaped curves, maybe?

It dawned on me lately that an S-shaped Sigmoid growth curve may be a series of small S-shaped curves, instead of a single curve. If it is true, it may shed some light on how a complex system, like animals, humans, and civilizations, have evolved. In complexity theory, there’s a famous saying that goes, “complexity…